Petition # 274: North Korean provocations

Petition #274: North Korean provocations


His Excellency Shinzo ABE
Prime Minister of Japan

The Hague, 12 September 2017
Petition: 274
Subject: North Korean provocations


Members of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts are, with the people of Japan, very worried about the actions of the North Korean leadership. We hope that the U.N. Security Council as well as its permanent members will have the tenacity to impress on North Korea that their policies are not only a threat to world peace. They are counterproductive in achieving long term security and independence. The reality of the present situation is that Japan and South Korea rely on their alliance with the United States and her nuclear umbrella. As such North Korean provocations towards Japan and South Korea involve the United States directly. However it triggers also our memories of the Japanese military occupation of Dutch East Indies.

Prime Minister,
We realize that you and your cabinet are fully engaged with the present situation. In the meantime Japan must not forget that it gained financially and economically from the U.S. imposed San Francisco Peace Treaty and Japanese Constitution after the war, which Japan started in the Pacific. On the basis of those gains Japan still has a moral duty to consider its attitude to the individual victims of that war. It is expedient now more than ever for Japan to acknowledge responsibility to the individual victims and gain international support for Japan’s present predicament.

Prime Minister,
We wish you wisdom, courage and good luck in dealing with the present situation.


On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.


J.F. van Wagtendonk
