His Excellency Shinzo ABE
Prime Minister of Japan
The Hague, 14 July 2015
Petition: 248
Subject: Frustration.
During a recent parliamentary session you mentioned that you are frustrated by the lack of progress in the fate of Japanese “kidnapped” by North Korea. You said: “No abduction victims have returned home, but I will maintain the policy of dialogue and pressure”. Abduction is a human rights crime, no different to the conduct of the Imperial Army during World War Two in occupied territories.
Prime Minister,
You must realize that the victims of the Imperial Army are in their turn extremely frustrated by the lack of any progress in the dialogue between the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts and your government’s diplomatic representatives in The Hague.
1. You and your predecessors refuse to acknowledge the receipt of our 247 petitions over a period of 25 years, personally addressed to the Prime Minister of Japan. This impolite and rude attitude astonishes us as the Japanese are generally known for good manners and respect for elderly people. It demonstrates the lack of respect and moral responsibility of the government of Japan to the victims.
2. Despite global objections you personally continue to glorify and pay respect to convicted war criminals,
3. You continue to question the validity of statements by your predecessor and according to media reports you intend to dilute these statements on behalf of Japan in a personal review.
Prime Minister,
The forthcoming 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two is the opportune moment to end our frustrations and to demonstrate that our dialogue is meaningful. The victims of the Imperial Army organized in the Foundation Japanese Honorary Debts, demand respect and acknowledgement of the moral responsibility of Japan for the conduct of the Imperial Army during World War Two in the Dutch East Indies.
We look forward to a meaningful dialogue and reconciliation as a result of your address at the 70th anniversary of Japan’s capitulation on 15th August 1945 and acknowledgement of this petition.
On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.
J.F. van Wagtendonk