His Excellency Shinzo ABE
Prime Minister of Japan
The Hague, 13 June 2017
Petition: 271
Subject: Pay respect to Japan’s war victims.
As Prime Minister of Japan you undoubtedly have a long term “to-do” list of things you want to achieve during your tenure as Prime Minister. Foremost on this list will be to re-establish Japan’s position in the World. Japan values respect, but does not understand why the world does not respect Japan. By denying the moral obligations stemming from the Comfort Women issue, denying the Nanking atrocities and denying the atrocities inflicted upon the Dutch in Dutch East Indies the present Japanese government has itself to blame. We believe that paying respect to the war victims of Japan’s actions should be number one on your “to-do” list. We do not hate the Japanese – but do not have respect for Japan because of its lack of moral commitments to the victims of its military during World War II.
Prime Minister,
The proposed changes to the present constitution renouncing war underscore the world’s suspicion of Japan’s military tendencies and lack of responsibility for its military past. The North Korea security threat should not be used as an excuse to change the constitution. The North Korean nuclear armed missile ambitions must be dealt with within the Asian region and not by a change in Japan’s constitution. Your aim must be to cooperate with your enemies of the past in seeking a lasting peace; and to resolve your country’s moral commitments towards your enemies of the past.
Prime Minister,
Recently one of the Founders of our Foundation died at 97 years old. She had hoped that before her death Japan would have come to terms with the Foundation in acknowledging its obligations to the individual Dutch victims of the brutal Japanese occupation of Dutch East Indies. Before dying she asked us to remember that she had been fighting for respect and dignity for as long as she could; and to never give up to point out to Japan its obligations! The surviving members of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts have that as their number one item on their “to-do” list.
Prime Minister,
We are awaiting your reply.
On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.
J.F. van Wagtendonk