His Excellency Shinzo ABE
Prime Minister of Japan
The Hague, 10 October 2017
Petition: 275
Subject: New elections
The forthcoming election on 22nd October is a surprise to us. In announcing the new election you stated that immediate action was required due to the threats from North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile development and Japan’s shrinking and aging population. Japan’s moral obligations stemming from World War II were not mentioned but require immediate attention also. The electorate’s ill feelings of the performance of the present government of Japan are ignored. New elections do not resolve these ill feelings.
Prime Minister,
In recent parliamentary elections governments were seeking a greater mandate but lost badly. The government calling the election did not represent the electorate any longer.
The electorate wants change and fresh ideas. In particular as previous election intentions did not materialize and the new intentions by the sitting government are not trusted.
The North Korean issues have been shimmering for some time and are not a matter of Japan alone. It is a global issue, which resolve depends on the Chinese and American involvement. Neither will Japan’s moral obligations go away. The people of Japan are disillusioned and worried. They do not want new elections promises which could and should be dealt with under the present mandate. What the electorate wants from the present Japanese government is realism and responsibility.
The members of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts are worried too. They would like to see the newly elected government as soon as possible to discuss a resolve to the moral obligations.
Prime Minister,
Please give the elderly citizens and children of Japan, The Netherlands and the world hope and do not forget Japan’s past during World War Two in the Pacific.
On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.
J.F. van Wagtendonk