His Excellency Shinzo ABE
Prime Minister of Japan
The Hague, 8 March 2016
Petition: 256
Subject: Past, today´s and future Human Rights principles of the United Nations and international laws.
On 29th February we bid farewell to His Excellency Masuru Tsuji till then the Ambassador of Japan to The Netherlands. We had long and detailed discussions with him about the heavy burden of moral responsibility Japan has to the Dutch victims. After 70 years the Dutch survivors require acknowledgement and respect from Japan which the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty did not give to the victims of the Japanese occupation of Dutch East Indies. We hope that the new succeeding ambassador takes time to understand the issues involved and that Japan’s responsibility will be resolved during his tenure.
Prime Minister,
In the previous petition 255 we raised the “Deal” between Japan and the Republic of South Korea of 28th December 2015. We have not been able to find a formal document covering the “Deal” to be approved by both parliaments, which is usual when two states enter into an agreement. It is confusing and strange that Ms. Inada, in charge of LDP Policy, declared on February 25th that the removal of the Comfort Woman statue in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul is precondition to the payment of 1 billion yen. In addition she made clear that: “there will be no change in the Japanese stance that the Comfort Women issue is legally settled and that the facts were falsified”. We are mystified by these statements. Japan maintains that there is no proof that the girls and women were recruited by the Japanese military. Despite that, Japan feels morally obliged to do a “Deal” with the government of the Republic of Korea!
Prime Minister,
Many times we pointed out the well documented recruitment, maltreatment and abuse of Dutch girls and women forced against their will into prostitution by the Japanese military during the occupation of Dutch East Indies. The Japanese authorities have only to ask the Dutch government to send the formal judgement papers by the Temporary Court Marshal of Batavia on the Semarang legal case of coercion into prostitution of Dutch girls and young women from concentration camps by Japanese military. This case and others provide ample legal proof that Japan violated the The Hague convention of 1907 and is thus liable to apologize and pay reparation to the individual victims. The Human Rights principles of the United Nations and the international laws have to be upheld by Japan.
We are looking forward to your acknowledgement.
On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.
J.F. van Wagtendonk