His Excellency Shinzo ABE
Prime Minister of Japan
The Hague, 10 May 2016
Petition: 258
Subject: Why the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts is holding Japan accountable.
In presenting petition 257 to Japan’s new Ambassador to The Netherlands his Excellency Hiroshi INOMATA, it was clear that he was briefed on the legal position of Japan regarding the Dutch from Dutch East Indies, but also on the need to maintain our dialogue. It was clear also, that the meaning of “HONORARY” had to be explained. The Foundation on behalf of its members holds Japan accountable for the war crimes, terror and misconduct by the Imperial Armed Forces whilst occupying Dutch East Indies during the Pacific war from 1941 – 1945. The systematic and institutionalized atrocities committed during that period on Dutch military and civilian families inside prisons and concentration camps and outside those camps are a disgrace and continues to dishonor Japan today. On many occasions the Imperial Armed Forces, in particular the Kempeitai, sited in their conduct: “by order of His Imperial Highness the Emperor of Japan”. It would be an honor for you to acknowledge the atrocities and misconduct by the Imperial Armed Forces on behalf of your country as a gesture of respect and morality to the victims and their descendants.
Prime Minister,
During the forthcoming G-7 Ise-Shima Summit leaders of the United States of America, Britain, Canada and France will be present, all signatories to the 1951 San Francisco peace treaty. As host of the summit and in particular in view of the forthcoming visit by President Barack H. OBAMA, as President of the United States of America, to Hiroshima, you have the opportunity to acknowledge the atrocities and misconduct by the Imperial Armed Forces during the Pacific War in South East Asia and in particular Dutch East Indies.
This would be an ideal moment for Japan to acknowledge its past war crimes during the Pacific War and take a step towards a settlement with the victims.
We are looking forward to your acknowledgement and an acknowledgement of the receipt of this petition.
On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.
J.F. van Wagtendonk