His Excellency Yoshihide Suga,
Prime Minister of Japan
The Hague, 13 October 2020
Petition: 311
Subject: Personal acknowledgement receipt of this petition.
On behalf of the Board and Members of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts we respectfully congratulate you on the appointment as Prime Minister of Japan. As Cabinet Secretary for many years you got to know about the activities of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts and our monthly petition personally addressed to the Prime Minister but presented to the Japanese Ambassador in The Hague. Unfortunately, we never received from previous Prime Ministers an acknowledgment of receipt of the petitions. We hope that you will rectify this diplomatically unheard-of treatment of an acknowledged NGO with Roster status at the Human Rights Council of the United Nations.
Prime Minister
In our last petition to your predecessor we suggested that he should reconsider Japans position after the Second World War ended. Japan lost the war she started and had to capitulate on 15th August 1945. The San Francisco Peace Treaty terminated the state of war. As you know the Prime Ministers of Japan never acknowledged Japans historic liability to the individual Dutch victims: the Japanese Honorary Debts! The personal tragedies of the Dutch caused by the Japanese military is a black page in the history books of Japan and the Netherlands.
Prime Minister,
As Cabinet Secretary you were fully aware of our desire to come to terms. We never received a personal reply from previous Prime Ministers. An insult to injury considering the appalling behavior by the Imperial Army and Navy during the Second World War in Asia including the Dutch East Indies. As the new Prime Minister of Japan faced with many problems as result of the Covid-19 pandemic it would suit you to personally acknowledge the receipt of this petition. At a later stage we should jointly agree to make suggestions how to come to terms with the Japanese Honorary Debts.
On behalf of the Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts.
J.F. van Wagtendonk